
We say no to plastic

Zero Plastic’s mission is to create a behavioural change among Sri Lankan citizens to reduce Plastic waste while building a demand for plastic substitutes produced by local entrepreneurs.

We focus on three main goals

  1. Build social behavior change (SBC) for 3R
  2. Get people to use sustainable plastic alternatives
  3. Expand and empower Zero plastic entrepreneur network.

Currently we are going strong with about 12,000 members and more than 1,400 volunteers. All our volunteers are actively participating in events and almost all of them are from seven government universities.

What We Do


We provide free information of the benefits and ways for business to be Zeroplastic.


We provide formal certification to businesses that have been inspected and meet our certification standards.


We educate busineses and consumers to the benefits of replacing single use plastic.


We provide products to businesses that replace single use plastic.


We perform routine inspections of all certified businesses.

Non Profit

We are not for profit and working for common good.

What We Do


We provide free information of the benefits and ways for business to be Zeroplastic.


We provide formal certification to businesses that have been inspected and meet our certification standards.


We educate busineses and consumers to the benefits of replacing single use plastic.


We provide products to businesses that replace single use plastic.


We perform routine inspections of all certified businesses.

Non Profit

We are not for profit and working for common good.

Our Objectives

Promote reduce, reuse, recycle (3R) practices and strengthening local and regional markets for recycled plastics

Build social behavior change (SBC) for 3R and solid waste management


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